Rewriting of Orthanc Tools in React and NodeJS.
Orthanc Tools JS is mainly a React Frontend for the powerfull Orthanc APIs but also include a Backend for authentication purpose, role management and automation.
Warning : Orthanc Tools JS is still in early developement, this software is not release ready
Current Features :
- Search ressources in Orthanc
- Import DICOM file into Orthanc using drag and drop
- Export ressources : ZIP, Modalities, Orthanc Peers
- Manual Query and Retrieve
- Automatic Retrieve : Define a list of studies to retrieve and schedule a robot for automatic retrieval
- Massive Delete of Ressources (Orthanc Cleanup)
- Administration panel : Declaration and echo of AETs, Orthanc Peers, Jobs management
In Progress : Anonymization Automatic Retrieve : Series Filtering
Roadmap : Modify ressources Export to external endpoint : FTP / SFTP / WebDav Monitoring : Tag collection, DiscProducer management, Prefecthing, AutoRouting Definition of User's group Roles with dedidacted services access