This is a fully functional Currency Converter built in Java with a touch of Spring stuff, using as exchange rate provider.
Maven 3 (Easy building)
Spring Boot (Crazy convention over configuration for production ready apps)
Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization)
Spring MVC (MVC Implementation)
Spring Actuator (Rest/JMX Monitoring featuring JVM data, Thread Dump, Metrics, Health Check, Metrics etc)
Spring Data JPA (Persistence and ORM)
Spring Cache (Cool cache abstraction used for external requests. See ehcache.xml in resources folder for more info)
Spring Test, hamcrest, JUnit, Cucumber-JVM (Unit, Integration and Acceptance Tests)
Bootstrap 3 + Thymeleaf (Painless View Templates)
Logback (Logging framework)
H2 In Memory Database
You need to install the following prior to run this app.
Oracle JDK 8
Maven 3.2+
mvn spring-boot:run
Open http://localhost:8090 in a web browser to access the app
Play around with Currency Converter!
You can customize these ports by running: |
mvn spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=8080
Access http://localhost:8090/instrumentation for comprehensive monitor and management features powered by Spring Actuator. There are custom metrics for this app to monitor external integration with at /metrics endpoint. |
This is an Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.