- Other tools:
cd ./robot_project
tree -L 2
├── launch
│ └── final_project.launch # all in one launch file
├── rviz_cfg # rviz config file for demo,
│ └── demo.rviz # auto loaded by final_project.launch
├── src
│ ├── image_localization # node image_localization
│ ├── laser_mapping # node laser_mappting
│ └── visual_servoing # node visual_servoing
└── ttt
└── env_modified.ttt # env file used by V-REP
# terminal 1 run roscore
# terminal 2 start vrep simulation env
cd $VREP_dir
# terminal 3 run all with one laucn file
cd ./robot_project
roslaunch launch/final_project.launch
The interface is shown as bellow:
There are three ROS nodes in this project: laser_mapping, image_localization and visual_servoing. And these nodes are responsible for respective functions as follows:
- in node laser_mapping, we use arrow keys to move the robot and simultaneously build the 2D map through hector slam provided with laser scan data,
- in node image_localization, the robot detects and localize the images on the wall and mark them in the rviz, and also this node checks which area the robot enters in,
- in node visual_servoing, it detects the yellow moving ball and if it occurs, it will switch from key controlling mode to auto tracking mode, and simultaneously the laser scan sensor turns off.