This repo provides a small script to load Ryven as a plugin inside Unreal Engine 4, as well as the nodes package. Notice that there are no nodes at all available yet, because I don't know the Unreal Python API well. If you do, please consider contributing.
Using Unreal Engine's Python installation (located in something like <UE4 path>/<version>/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Python3/<your OS>/python.exe
), install Ryven
<UE4 Python location>$ python.exe -m pip install ryven
and save this repo to your file system
git clone
Then, assuming you have python plugins enabled in unreal, you just need to execute
from the Unreal Editor via File > Execute Python Script...
. This should open a new instance of the editor. Do not close this window if you don't want to lose the content in it.