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AuditedAsync is a plugin for the audited gem which allows to create audits asynchronously using ActiveJob.

It works by injecting the async option into audited model option using functional programming. If enabled, it'll move audit creation logic into an ActiveJob instance, then it's sent to the queue to be executed later.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile, right after audited gem:

gem 'audited'
gem 'audited_async'

And then execute:

$ bundle


class Post < ApplicationRecord
  audited async: true

Depending on your active job adapter, you may need to make the queue name visible to the adapter.


# config/sidekiq.yml
  - [audits, 1] # add this line

All done! Although you can optionally configure some more stuff, check below.

Enabling it programmatically

# config/initializers/audited_async.rb

AuditedAsync.configure do |config|
  config.enabled = Rails.env.production?

Changing Job execution

# config/initializers/audited_async.rb

AuditedAsync.configure do |config|
  config.job_name  = 'JobityJob'
  config.job_options = { wait: 1.second }

Create your own job:

class JobityJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :audits

  def perform(audit_info)
    # audit_info = {
    #   class_name:      'Post',
    #   record_id:       2,
    #   audited_changes: "{\"json_stringified_changes\": \"with_values\"}",
    #   action:          one of %w[create update destroy],
    #   comment:         there will be some string here if audited comments are enabled,
    # }

    # ...
    # run your logic
    # ...

    # job must have this line at the end
    class_name.constantize.send(:write_audit, attributes)
    # attributes = {
    #   audited_changes: {hash_changes: :with_values},
    #   action:          one of %w[create update destroy],
    #   comment:         comment, if enabled
    # }


  • Audits for destroying an object are subject to soft delete, hard deleted records are ignored, so if you are using some library like paranoia or discard, destroying an object will still create audits, regardless model scoping.
  • Attributes passed down to job are limited to serializable attributes, you can find a list here, other than that would throw an error.

To see how the default job performs, look here.

Sample App


Checkout the repository, execute bundle install and you're good to go.


There are some unit tests now but integration tests are missing. You can run the suite by executing rspec.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

To Do

  • Elaborate integration test cases.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.