Create native Android dialogs with Expo. This library is a wrapper around the native Android dialogs. Only a few dialog types are supported at the moment.
npx expo install expo-dialogs
This Dialog is quite similair to the Alert.alert() method in React Native.
import * as ExpoDialogs from "expo-dialogs";
const result = await ExpoDialogs.showDialog({
title: "Hello World",
message: "This is a message",
positiveButtonText: "OK",
negativeButtonText: "Cancel",
// result is true if the positive button was clicked, false if the negative button was clicked
console.log("Dialog result:", result);
import * as ExpoDialogs from "expo-dialogs";
const result = await ExpoDialogs.showSelectionDialog({
options: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
title: "Hello World",
negativeButtonText: "Cancel",
console.log("Selected index:", result);
import * as ExpoDialogs from "expo-dialogs";
const result = await ExpoDialogs.showRadioButtonDialog({
options: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
title: "Hello World",
selectedIndex: 1,
negativeButtonText: "Cancel",
console.log("Selected index:", result);
import * as ExpoDialogs from "expo-dialogs";
const result = await ExpoDialogs.showCheckboxDialog({
options: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
title: "Hello World",
selectedIndices: [1],
negativeButtonText: "Cancel",
console.log(`Selected indices: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);