Generates dynamic envelopes with N positive integer points
void initEnvelope(unsigned short int* points, unsigned short int* ticks, byte numberOfPoints)
- Dynamic envelope generator
- Pass "numberOfPoints" number of elemnts via the array of "unsigned short int points"
- Pass "numberOfPoints" number of durationsPerPoint via the array of "unsigned short int ticks"
- "points" an array of Envelope points, the output will wrap around from the last point to the 1st automaticly
- "ticks" an array of time ticks PER point. This essentialy gives you a way to scale each point and the speed/gradient of the curve
envelopeGenerator envelopeOne; const byte numberOfPoints = 4; unsigned short int points[numberOfPoints] = {0,10,20,5}; unsigned short int ticks[numberOfPoints] = {30, 30, 30, 30}; envelopeOne.initEnvelope(points, ticks, numberOfPoints, 0);
unsigned short int getEnvelope(unsigned short int frameCounter)
- Generates your curve based on your point list and time blocks using "frameCounter" (internal variable) as the time index
- "envelopeOne.envelopeBandwidth" can be used to limit your frame counter and keep it in bounds of your dynamic frame ticks
while(true) { Serial.printf("\r\n%d", envelopeOne.getEnvelope(envelopeOne.frameCounter)); envelopeOne.nextFrame(1); }
The above generates this:
Set up
envelopeGenerator envelopeOne;
const byte numberOfPoints = 2;
unsigned short int points[numberOfPoints] = {0,10};
unsigned short int ticks[numberOfPoints] = {30, 30};
envelopeOne.initEnvelope(points, ticks, numberOfPoints, 1);
Serial.printf("\r\n%d", envelopeOne.getEnvelope());