Frontend in React for Donaty Project on Polygon Hackathon.
Donaty is the ultimate platform for Charities and Non-Profit organizations, allowing entities to create real impact projects on their communities and countries. NFT Artists can contribute to a charity proposal, selling their art and engaging into an Autonomous Decentralized Organization (DAO), NFT owners of each project will vote to decide if the funding is being used correctly as the charity responsible will have to upload regular updates stating the progress of their campaign.
- NodeJs >= 16.17.0
- ChainID -> Mumbai
Note: You can add mumbai network here.
- Clone the repository.
git clone
- Enter to the folder.
cd polygon-hackathon-frontend
- Install node modules.
npm install
- Create .env from example
cp .env.example .env
- Init the project
npm start
You are all set.
- HomePage
- Newest NFT's
- NFT Details
- Foundation list
- Foundation Details
- Foundation Posts
- Post Detail
- Cause List, goal and progress at 100%
- Cause List, goal and progress at 56%
- Add new post
- My profile and my NTF's
- Sell one NFT
- Then you can stop selling.