An autonomous (ASP.NET Core) server to generate APDU commands for RFID cards (MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE Ultralight C, ...) following customly defined templates.
It can be used as a standalone microservice and is maintained/distributed as a core component of Leosac Credential Provisioning solution.
- Install ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.
git clone
- Build the full solution CredentialProvisioning.Encoding.sln
- Run CredentialProvisioning.Encoding.Worker.Server project
- Install Docker
docker pull leosac/leosac-card-encoding-worker:snapshot
- Create local directory /var/local/lcew/repo, if permanent caching will be enabled later on
- Create local file /var/local/lcew/appsettings.Production.json
docker create --name leosac-cew --init -p 80:5100 -v /var/local/lcew/repo:/data/repository /var/local/lcew/appsettings.Production.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json leosac/leosac-card-encoding-worker:snapshot
docker start leosac-cew
- Install latest MSI package
- Start Leosac.EncodingWorker service (Leosac Credential Provisioning Encoding Worker Service)
Configuration is done through appsettings.json file and environment specific appsettings.Production.json file which would override settings if defined.
By default, the server can be reached on http://localhost:5100/. The REST API is documented with an embedded Swagger UI on http://localhost:5100/swagger/.