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FIM - Fast Image Manipulation Library for JavaScript

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The FIM library provides fast, 2D image manipulation in web browsers and Node.js using WebGL.

Getting Started

FIM is released as three NPM packages. Install one of the three depending on the use case:

  • npm i @leosingleton/fim-browser - fim-browser contains the in-browser implementation of FIM.
  • npm i @leosingleton/fim-node - fim-node contains a Node.js implementation leveraging the node-canvas and headless-gl projects.
  • npm i @leosingleton/fim - fim contains the common implementation of FIM and is a dependency of fim-browser and fim-node. NPM packages can take a dependency on this package to create packages that are platform-agnostic and let the consumers of the package pick between fim-browser and fim-node.

The Fim interface contains the main interface for the library. Using the fim-browser package, it is instantiated with the factory method:

const fim = FimBrowserFactory.create();

And in fim-node:

const fim = FimNodeFactory.create();

For platform-agnostic code, take in a Fim instance as a parameter and let the caller instantiate it.


The primary object in FIM is a FimImage and image instances can be created using the methods on the Fim interface. Behind the scenes, FIM manages a mix of 2D and WebGL canvases, plus the underlying WebGL textures and framebuffers so that an image behaves like a bitmap that can be loaded, copied, saved, and have operations applied to, without worrying much about the underlying representation.

The primary method for creating images is Fim.createImage():

  * Creates a new image
  * @param dimensions Image dimensions
  * @param options Optional overrides to the image options from the parent Fim object
  * @param name Optional name specified when creating the object to help with debugging
  * @param parent Optional parent object. If unspecified, defaults to the root FIM instance.
createImage(dimensions: FimDimensions, options?: FimImageOptions, name?: string, parent?: FimObject): TImage;

i.e. to create a 1920x1080 image:

const image = fim.createImage(FimDimensions.fromWidthHeight(1920, 1080));

The image could then be filled with a solid color (such as red):

await image.fillSolidAsync('#ff0000');

The image data could be loaded from a Uint8Array of RGBA values using the FimImage.loadPixelDataAsync() method. The Fim.createImageFromPngFileAsync() and Fim.createImageFromJpegFileAsync() methods are also useful for instantiating images directly from an existing PNG or JPEG file.

Once image manipulation is complete, the output can be saved to a Uint8Array using either FimImage.exportToPixelDataAsync(), FimImage.exportToPngAsync(), or FimImage.exportToJpegAsync(). The fim-browser package adds another method, FimBrowserImage.exportToCanvasAsync(), which takes an an HTMLCanvasElement as a parameter and copies the image contents onto the canvas.


In FIM, operations for image processing are written as WebGL fragment shaders and exposed as a class derived from the FimOperation base class. WebGL shaders allow FIM to offload processing to the GPU and operate on millions of pixels an order of magnitude faster than traditional JavaScript code.

FIM includes various built-in operations, which can be found in the packages/fim/src/ops subdirectory.

Each operation exposes a $() method. This method sets the parameters to the operation and returns a this reference, allowing operations to be executed using a single line of code:

await OUTPUT_IMAGE.executeAsync(OPERATION.$(/* params */));

For instance, following on the 1920x1080 red canvas from above, we could invert the canvas's contents by using the FimOpInvert operation, which takes the input image as a parameter:

const invert = new FimOpInvert(fim);
await image.executeAsync(invert.$(image));

Note that unlike WebGL textures, FIM allows an operation to have a single image used as both an input and an output parameter. FIM automatically manages any temporary objects needed to make it work.

With some basic knowledge of GLSL, custom operations may be added by writing a fragment shader, compiling it with webpack-glsl-minify, then creating a class derived from FimOperationShader to set the shader's constants and uniforms for a simple, single pass shader. FimOpDarker and FimOpLighter are good examples to get started.

More complex operations involving multiple passes will need to derive from FimOperation directly. The operation can either manage instances WebGL shader instances manually using Fim.createGLShader(), or it can compose other FimOperation instances to create multi-pass operations.

Resource Management

FIM can consume substantial memory and GPU resources, and unlike typical JavaScript code, these resources are not automatically garbage collected. Instead, each object in FIM exposes a dispose() method that can be called to dispose the object. Note that disposing is recursive--e.g. simply calling dispose() on the root Fim instance will also dispose any images and operations created by FIM.

Some GPUs, particularly on mobile devices, may also have lower capabilities in terms of maximum resolution or bits per pixel. FIM will automatically downscale images to remain within the GPU's stated capabilities. FIM exposes the capabilities of the current GPU and WebGL implementation on the Fim.capabilities property.

GPU Context Loss

Finally, although FIM does its best to hide the details of GPU programming and WebGL, consumers do still have to worry to some extent about WebGL context loss. Context loss occurs when the GPU runs out of resources and the browser or operating system decides to take away GPU resources from one program to give them to another. Most frequently, this occurs in browser tabs which are no longer in the foreground, but could happen at any time.

To handle context loss, FIM automatically recreates any WebGL resources automatically, however the contents of images are likely to get lost in this process. The FIM library provides four mechanisms to help programs deal with this:

  1. A program may call FimImage.backupAsync() to back up any image data stored in GPU memory. When the GPU context is restored, the image contents will be reloaded from the latest backup. Note that the process of taking a backup does incur significant performance overhead, so should be used sparingly.

  2. Instead of explicitly calling backupAsync(), the FimImageOptions.autoBackup property may be enabled to automatically take a backup after every operation that writes its output to the image. Note that this also incurs a significant performance overhead, so should be used sparingly.

  3. When FimImageOptions.defaultFillColor is configured, the contents of an image are initialized to the requested solid color.

  4. Programs may register their own handlers with Fim.registerContextLostHandler() and Fim.registerContextRestoredHandler() to implement their own recovery behavior.



Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Leo C. Singleton IV. This software is licensed under the MIT License.