HTML5 Canvas dymanic object map. Pure JavaScript and serverless. It uses Proj4js transformations. Starry Sky demo include satellite-js module. Demos at
![ortho-ns.gif] ( "ortho-ns.gif") ![ortho-ew.gif] ( "ortho-ew.gif")
Simply download, unpack and open index.html in any browser with HTML5 support. Controls:
- left click to center point/turn sphere;
- zoom buttons [+|-] are placed on right side.
![mercv.png] ( "Mercator")
Starry Sky. Featured, copmlicated demo like Orbitron, Marble, Xephem but more lightweight.
![starry2.png] ( "Starry Sky")
Moscow Metro Map:
![mosmetro.png] ( "Moscow Metro")
Moscow Rail Map:
![mosrails.png] ( "Moscow Rail Map")