Vim Bootstrap is generator provides a simple method of generating a .vimrc configuration for vim, NeoVim, MacVim and GVim.
The distribution is designed to work with Vim >= 7.3.
$ brew install git ctags
- Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install git exuberant-ctags ncurses-term
- Gentoo
$ sudo emerge dev-util/ctags sys-libs/ncurses dev-vcs/git dev-python/pyflakes
- Arch Linux via pacman (recomend used pacaur)
$ sudo pacman -S git-core ctags ncurses
- pyflakes
$ pip install flake8
Commands | Descriptions |
:cd <path> |
Open path /path |
<Control+w>+<hjkl> |
Navigate via split panels |
<Control>+w+w |
Alternative navigate vim split panels |
,. |
Set path working directory |
,w or ,x |
Next buffer navigate |
,q or ,z |
previous buffer navigate |
Create a tab |
next tab navigate |
previous tab navigate |
,e |
Find and open files |
,b |
Find file on buffer (open file) |
,c |
Close active buffer (clone file) |
F2 |
Open tree navigate in actual opened file |
F3 |
Open/Close tree navigate files |
F4 |
List all class and method, support for python, go, lua, ruby and php |
,v |
Split vertical |
,h |
Split horizontal |
,f |
Search in the project |
,o |
Open github file/line (website), if used git in github |
,sh |
Open shell.vim terminal inside Vim or NeoVim built-in terminal |
,ga |
Execute git add on current file |
,gc |
git commit (splits window to write commit message) |
,gsh |
git push |
,gll |
git pull |
,gs |
git status |
,gb |
git blame |
,gd |
git diff |
,gr |
git remove |
,so |
Open Session |
,ss |
Save Session |
,sd |
Delete Session |
,sc |
Close Session |
> |
indent to right |
< |
indent to left |
gc |
Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over |
YY |
Copy to clipboard |
P |
Paste |
<Control+y>, |
Activate Emmet plugin |
Commands | Descriptions |
Open documentation |
Control+Space |
Autocomplete |
,d |
Go to the Class/Method definition |
,r |
Rename object definition |
,n |
Show where command is usage |
Commands | Descriptions
------- | -------
| Run all specs
| Run last spec
| Run current spec
| Add Parameter
| Inline Temp
| Convert Post Conditional
| Extract Constant (visual selection)
| Extract to Let (Rspec)
| Extract Local Variable (visual selection)
| Rename Local Variable (visual selection/variable under the cursor)
| Rename Instance Variable (visual selection)
| Extract Method (visual selection)
- Download your own vimrc file at
- Put your vimrc file (or nvimrc if you use NeoVim) into home folder
mv ~/Downloads/vimrc ~/.vimrc
- Execute ViM and it will install plugins automatically
vim +NeoBundleInstall +qall
:VimBootstrapUpdate (thanks to @sherzberg)
Visit the following sites to learn more about Vim: