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Eleventy Starter

Netlify Status


Eleventy Starter is a project scaffold for quickly starting a site with:

  • Eleventy for templates and site generation.
  • Webpack for straightforward JS asset bundling.
  • Alpine JS A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
  • Tailwindcss for a utility first CSS workflow.
  • PurgeCSS for optimizing css output.
  • Netlify CLI for Netlify dev pipeline and local replication of the prod environment.

Deploy this to your own site

These builders are amazing—try them out to get your own Eleventy site in a few clicks!


Running locally

# Create your project
npx degit "eastslopestudio/eleventy-starter" my-app && cd my-app

# install the project dependencies
npm install

# run the build and server locally
npm run start

# run the production build
npm run build

Netlify Dev

# Install the Netlify CLI globally
npm install -g netlify-cli
netlify dev

Serverless functions are located in src/functions

A serverless functions pipeline is included via Netlify Dev. By running netlify dev you'll be able to execute any of your serverless functions directly like this:

  • /.netlify/functions/hello

Redirects and proxies

Netlify's Redirects API can provide friendlier URLs as proxies to these URLs.

  • /api/hello


My heartfelt thanks to these people, whom I shamelessly copied code and ideas from: