Given any url, the app generates a unique "tracking" url that can be used instead of the original url. A service like can be used to compress the generated url. On every url hit, the app logs the ip address, user agent and geo location data ( currently obtained from ). The app offers countrywise, citywise, regionwise and ipwise and urlwise stats.
There are two ways to generate a url:
Host the code as a GAE app and ...
a) visit the app b) use the script as follows:
modify to refer to your hosted GAE app and ... use ""
/urls : all urls with hit counts
/hits : all hits(last 1000)
/chits : country wise stats
/cuhits : country wise, url wise stats
/cthits : city wise stats
/ctuhits : city wise, url wise stats
/rhits : region wise stats
/ruhits : region wise, url wise stats
/ihits : ip wise stats
/iuhits : ip wise, url wise stats
/stats: all stats in a single page ( dirty )