A standard Verlet point-mass cloth simulator. Relatively fast for C#, but not perfect (...yet). More stable, in terms of collisions, than Unity's standard cloth simulation.
Based on Jakobsen 2003.
Supports sphere and capsule collision.
Supports 1000+ vertex unpinned blouses (if that's what you need in life). I managed to get a realtime albeit stretchy blouse working with timestep=0.005 and substeps=1:
The outcome of this project is not a realtime cloth simulation, but one that focuses on stable collisions, with no pin requirements, yet is still reasonably quick (e.g. 10-30 FPS). I found Unity's standard cloth simulator frustratingly unstable for many-body collisions. Note that you can still get realtime performance if you greatly reduce the number of substeps; the simulation will be stable for small perturbations only, and the cloth will experience some stretching. A list of working features is below.
Collision resolution is the most expensive part of cloth simulation. So if we can reduce the number of Collision Constraint objects, the better. There is a large amount of research in this area (see BVH for example), but we use a straight forward solution for the case where the likely collisions will be the same during the simulation, for example clothing on a character. Using a "Smart Static Collision" the vertices interacting with the collision object are pre-baked during the first frames of interaction. This can be updated periodically.
cloth-to-sphere interaction.capsule-to-cloth interaction.fast static collisions.- scalability test.
- port to C++ and use .dll.