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Getting Started neverpile eureka Tutorial 1

Kevin H edited this page Jan 9, 2020 · 18 revisions

The goal of this tutorial is to set up neverpile eureka on a local host to try out the provided API and set up for further development.

1. Prerequisites

JDK 1.8+ installed with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately
Apache Maven 3.5+

2. Installation

Clone the git repository: 

git clone

Alternatively, download and extract the repository from here.

3. Project structure:

Subject to this tutorial is the module neverpile-eureka-tutorial-01.

The project structure is reminiscent of the standard Maven project structure. Our project structure for the following tutorial is laid out as follows:

├── pom.xml						- Project Maven pom file.
├── src/main/java/					- Project Java source directory.
│   └── com/neverpile/eureka/server/			- Tutorial server package name.
│	├──	                - Spring start class.
│	└── configuration/				- Configuration package.
│	    ├──		- Server authentication configuration.
|	    └──			- Server security configuration.
└── src/main/resources/					- Static project resources.
    └── application.yml					- neverpile eureka configuration file.

3.1 Project dependencies

To include neverpile eureka in your application we recommend the usage of a maven dependency. The maven artifact neverpile-eureka-spring-boot-starter bundles the essential components for running neverpile eureka as a Spring boot application.

<!-- neverpile -->

This starter dependency includes:

  • neverpile-eureka-core - core functionality of neverpile eureka.
  • neverpile-eureka-bridge-storage-filesystem - datastore implementation using the native filesystem.
  • neverpile-eureka-authorization - neverpile eureka policy authorization.
  • neverpile-eureka-search-elastic - elasticsearch index implementation.
  • neverpile-eureka-plugin-metadata - document metadata support. 
  • neverpile-eureka-plugin-audit - document audit support.
  • neverpile-eureka-client-webjar - web server landing page.

The complete pom.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



    <!-- neverpile -->
    <!-- Spring (-Boot) -->
    <!-- spring and cassandra version incompatibility -->
    <!-- spring and elastic version incompatibility -->



3.2 Project entry point

The server is set up as a spring boot application and therefore needs to be annotated with @SpringBootApplication.  This annotation sets up this class as an entry point for spring boot.

To enable neverpile eureka on your application annotate the class with @EnableNeverpileEurekaSpringApplication to set up all included neverpile modules.

public class NeverpileEureka {

  public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
    new SpringApplication(NeverpileEureka.class).run(args);

3.3 Configuration

The SecurityConfig extends Springs WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and manages endpoint security.
For most security features we use the default behavior defined by Spring Security. (See here)
In this tutorial, we configure all endpoints with the /api/ prefix to require an authenticated user.

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

  public SecurityConfig() {

  public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        .csrf().disable() // Disable CSRF
        .httpBasic() // Enable basicAuth
        .and().authorizeRequests() // Allows restricting access based upon the HttpServletRequest using
          .antMatchers("/api/**") // List of path patterns with any http method
            .authenticated() // Specify that URLs are allowed by any authenticated user.

The GlobalAuthenticationConfig extends Springs GlobalAuthenticationConfigurerAdapter and manages client authentication.

For this tutorial, we use a simple in-memory authentication enabling an admin and standard user with password and roles.

public class GlobalAuthenticationConfig extends GlobalAuthenticationConfigurerAdapter {
  public void init(final AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
      .roles("USER", "ADMIN");

At last, we have to configure some properties in the application.yml configuration file:

    name: neverpile eureka (tutorial 01)

    cassandra.enabled: false
    db.enabled: false
    elasticsearch.enabled: false

  data-path: data

        rootPath: ${}/objects

    directory: ${}/wal
Configuration key Value Description neverpile eureka (tutorial 01) The application name as String. false
Disable default heath indicators form spring. (Health indication is managed by neverpile eureka itself.) data Directory (./data) for lacal application data to be stored. ${}/objects Directory (./data/objects) for local documemt store. ${}/wal Directory (./data/wal) for local transaction logs.

4. Run the server

4.a With IDE

The server can be started, by executing the main class NeverpileEureka - including the main method.

Start with IntelliJ

To start up the Application, a new  Run Configuration is needed. Under the Run > Edit Configurations... menu the Run/Debug Configurations... menu can be opened. Here you can add a new Spring Boot Configuration by pressing the +-sign:

The configuration is mainly pre-configured  and should look like this:

Make sure that the following settings are configured properly:

Main class: com.neverpile.eureka.server.NeverpileEureka classpath: neverpile-eureka-tutorial-01 Working directory: $MODULE_WORKING_DIR$

The newly created configuration can be accessed through the Run > Run menu to start the application.

4.b With command line

Start a maven build for the project:

mvn clean install

When the build has finished successfully an executable war file will be created in the target folder in the project root directory. 

This file can now be used to start the server through the command line:

java -jar neverpile-eureka-tutorial-01-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war

5. Finish

With the server running you can now access neverpile eureka through your browser at:

http://localhost:8080 - landing page

http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html - swagger UI