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Releases: lewisl9029/toc


04 Nov 23:31
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v0.11.2 Pre-release

Web release available at
Mirrored at

Prebuilt packages for Web, Android and iOS are attached below.

The iOS build will only work with jailbroken devices since it has only been provisioned for my own test devices. You can build a new package using your own iOS provisioning profile if you need a build that supports your non-jailbroken devices. This will no longer be necessary once I'm able to submit a release build to TestFlight, but currently running into a few blocking issues tracked in #505


  • Fixed missing favicons for web builds
  • Slightly tweaked landing page messaging


03 Nov 18:55
Choose a tag to compare
v0.11.1 Pre-release

Web release available at
Mirrored at

Android and iOS binaries are attached below.

The iOS build will only work with jailbroken devices since it has only been provisioned for my own test devices. You can build a new package using your own iOS provisioning profile if you need a build that supports your non-jailbroken devices. This will no longer be necessary once I'm able to submit a release build to TestFlight, but currently running into a few blocking issues tracked in #505


  • Fixed iOS icon showing up for Android build
  • Re-enabled minification for release builds
  • Fixed broken Cordova builds auto version bumps on release
  • Changed CI web bundle filename


03 Nov 11:37
Choose a tag to compare
v0.11.0 Pre-release

Web release available at
Mirrored at

Android and iOS binaries are attached below.

The iOS build will only work with jailbroken devices since it has only been provisioned for my own test devices. You can build a new package using your own iOS provisioning profile if you need a build that supports your non-jailbroken devices. This will no longer be necessary once I'm able to submit a release build to TestFlight, but currently running into a few blocking issues tracked in #505


  • iOS Cordova builds are now available #118
  • Added automatic packaging and deployment for Cordova iOS builds #492
  • Updated logo to be a bit less elliptical to look better on iOS #489
  • Defaulting to not remembering users on login #482
  • Your own messages are now labeled using "You" instead of your display name to better distinguish between two anonymous users #497
  • Added seed server docker container and deployment instructions
  • Allowing users to configure a different seed server to use through console command, and have it persisted and sync'd across accounts #281
  • Added app screenshots on landing page #401
  • Added technical overview to readme #434


  • Many Safari & Safari Mobile fixes for visual glitches and bugs
  • Failing to create a user while offline will no longer cause app to think an user already exists #503
  • Landing page width no longer overflows on Firefox mobile and Safari mobile #510


24 Oct 22:43
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v0.10.0 Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • Landing page content and styling revamp #341 #427
  • New colors and button styling for app #351 #436
  • Removed several cordova plugins (notifications, QR scanner) and replaced with implementations based on web standards #412 #248
  • Set contacts as online when receiving responses to sent messages #416
  • App no longer adds to browser history stack on in-app navigation #247
  • Pausing loading screen animation when blocked by password prompt modal #421
  • Added new about section to app with versioning and copyright info #429 #456
  • Allow users to disconnect remotestorage accounts #428 #275
  • Added CircleCI auto deployment of new branches (/releases/staging/branch) and new releases (/releases/version) #440
  • Added android builds using Ionic package service and device livereload (auto triggered on CircleCI) #471 #455
  • Added proper app icons, splash screens, favicons for app and website #370
  • Clicking on picture ID also copies text ID #459
  • Clicking on user card shows edit profile window when no notifications are present #475


  • Hardware back button can dismiss the password prompt screen with no way of getting it back #424

Known Issues:


05 Oct 06:45
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.0-alpha Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • Integrated landing page from toc-landing repository, and dev environment config from toc-dev repository. #245 #346
  • Made a app logo and created animated logo loading screen, replaced conversations icon with logo outline. #214 #171 #360
  • Custom domain now mirrors Github pages site using Cloudflare's CDN. #371
  • Implemented invite links and option to share invite links on social media as an additional invite method. #297 #249
  • Optimized idle network usage. #397


  • System messages stop firing if it contains the same text as before. #352
  • After sync'ing with remotestorage, user is presented with a sign up screen instead of the sign in screen. #378
  • Dismissed notifications appear on startup on Android. #390

Known Issues:

  • Android build occasionally disconnects and cant regain connectivity #400. Workaround: restart the app.
  • Notifications animate in but not out #324. Workaround: use your imagination. ;D
  • Free text selection is not working in message list #321. Workaround: use the copy on click feature for now.


There has been no effort to maintain backward and forward compatibility between versions as of this release. Data from one version is not guaranteed to work on another. This will continue to be the case until the eventual v1.0.0 release.

If you're experiencing issues, try clearing your localStorage and IndexedDB. For this release, you can do so by typing tocState.destroy() in the console.


15 Sep 05:52
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v0.8.0-alpha Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • Added native notifications for web and mobile, that only show if app is in background #258
  • Notifications now have animated transitions when they appear, and can be swiped to be dismissed on touch devices #294 #244 #116
  • Notifications are now provided for new invites in addition to messages #259
  • Added automatic copying of user ID and message contents on click for browsers that support it #323 #326
  • Added system message toasts for providing feedback for user actions #284 #325
  • Unsent messages, profile updates now only attempt sends when contact is online #317
  • Users can now login to their accounts to access contacts and message history without network access #300
  • App now starts automatically at boot on mobile #302
  • Added a notification count on the menu icon in header #242
  • Disabled logging for production builds #329


  • Fixed height difference between app header and side menu header #289
  • Fixed right side menu being unresponsive #293
  • Fixed notifications flashing briefly on startup #320
  • Fixed flash being requested when the app doesn't actually make use of it #311
  • Fixed mousewheel scrolling for devices with touch support #308
  • Fixed multi-layer modals causing buttons to become unresponsive #278

Known Issues:

  • QR reader intermittently fails #267. Workaround: try scanning the QR code again.
  • Notifications animate in but not out #324. Workaround: use your imagination. ;D
  • Free text selection is not working in message list #321. Workaround: use the copy on click feature for now.


There has been no effort to maintain backward and forward compatibility between versions as of this release. Data from one version is not guaranteed to work on another. This will continue to be the case until the eventual v1.0.0 release.

If you're experiencing issues, try clearing your localStorage and IndexedDB. For this release, you can do so by typing tocState.destroy() in the console.


04 Sep 14:33
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v0.7.0-alpha Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • Added ability to update user profile and have updates sync'd to contacts #225
  • Network operations are now immediately responsive and no longer block further input. Messages, invites, profile updates will all be persisted and then retried in the background indefinitely when timed out, even after restarts and device switching #239 #238
  • Updated message list styling with slightly less opaque messages from user, a visible unread marker, sending indicators, and colored timestamps #282
  • Added a new cloud account connect process that warns users about data loss when connecting with an existing local account #274 #177
  • Added another side menu for additional options #231
  • Reduced storage requirements significantly by reducing the length of channel id's and message id's #273


  • Fixed auto-scrolling to latest message intermittently broken #280

Known Issues:

  • QR reader intermittently fails #267. Workaround: try scanning the QR code again.
  • Buttons on the password prompt form stop responding when returning from cloud connect screen on desktop-sized screens #278. Workaround: restart the app.


There has been no effort to maintain backward and forward compatibility between versions as of this release. Data from one version is not guaranteed to work on another. This will continue to be the case until the eventual v1.0.0 release.

If you're experiencing issues, try clearing your localStorage and IndexedDB. For this release, you can do so by typing tocState.destroy() in the console.


27 Aug 01:35
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v0.6.1-alpha Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • ID text in popup now cuts off with ellipsis #264


  • ID auto-select interferes with tap-hold selection in android #256
  • Invite modal doesn't close after sending email invite #253
  • User avatars are slightly clipped at bottom edge when displayed back-to-back #255
  • Message sending can become unresponsive after switching channels #261
  • Reverted button size limit due to inconsistencies on hiDPI screens #254
  • Debug option to reset local device storage doesn't always clear all data in IndexedDB #257

Known Issues:

  • QR reader intermittently fails on first try #267


There has been no effort to maintain backward and forward compatibility between versions as of this release. Data from one version is not guaranteed to work on another. This will continue to be the case until the eventual v1.0.0 release.

If you're experiencing issues, try clearing your localStorage and IndexedDB. For this release, you can do so by typing tocState.destroy() in the console.


26 Aug 11:39
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v0.6.0-alpha Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • Improved messaging UI with date separators, more compact spacing, less redundant elements, better performance #219 #218
  • Improved channel list UI with status indicators, latest message/latest unread message #222
  • Improved invite workflow with less error prone modal UI and email/QR reader invite options #230 #236 #235 #251
  • Added notification center and custom notification overlays #223 #241
  • Added a open source license #234
  • Reduced bandwidth requirements for CSS on load #221


  • Users would have identical avatars if no email is supplied #227
  • Incorrect timestamps were displayed in chat log #140
  • Android scrolling on small screens is erratic when keyboard is up #209

Known Issues:

  • Button sizes in footer is a bit inconsistent on large screens, but this should be irrelevant after #231 and #216. UPDATE: need to revert #246 due to #254


There has been no effort to maintain backward and forward compatibility between versions as of this release. Data from one version is not guaranteed to work on another. This will continue to be the case until the eventual v1.0.0 release.

If you're experiencing issues, try clearing your localStorage and IndexedDB. For this release, you can do so by typing tocState.destroy() in the console.


06 Aug 13:48
Choose a tag to compare
v0.5.0-alpha Pre-release

Web release available at
Android binaries are attached below.


  • Added instructions for getting a remoteStorage account (#207)
  • Added a way to quickly reset local app state for debugging and testing (#204)
  • Highlighting currently viewing channel in channel list using italics and slightly darker background (#124)
  • Avatars are now sourced from libravatar (and their gravatar proxy) based on email hash (#113)


  • RemoteStorage oauth now woks on Cordova Android builds (#194)
  • Side menu now correctly stays exposed when window width is large enough (#201)

Known Issues:

  • Android scrolling on small screens is erratic when keyboard is up (#209)


There has been no effort to maintain backward and forward compatibility between versions as of this release. Data from one version is not guaranteed to work on another. This will continue to be the case until the eventual v1.0.0 release.

If you're experiencing issues, try clearing your localStorage and IndexedDB. For this release, you can do so by typing tocState.destroy() in the console.