HarvesterDroid is intended to be a simple resource tracking and management tool for Star Wars Galaxies. The core goal of HarvesterDroid is to obtain the latest resources and compare them across your stashed inventory resources. In the end, HarvesterDroid has been programmed from the ground up to be easily modified for tracking from multiple resource websites that provide XML exports.
I started on this project almost a year ago and it is fairly complete for the most part to work with GalaxyHarvester. There isn't much more refactoring that needs to be done in order for it to work with other sites such as SWGCraft
Programmed with love by Waverunner <3
Noteworthy Changes
- Fixed groupings for schematics. It actually works a lot better now!
- Faster, near instant, saving using Binary JSON for resource data
- Switched to JSON for Inventory and Schematic items
- Lots more under the hood changes for performance
Installing is easy, just put HarvesterDroid.jar in a folder of your choosing. Java 8 is required.
If you are using Windows, you can use the native bundled HarvesterDroid.exe which will install Java 8 if you don't have it yet.