Панорамы для Физико-Математической школы г. Тюмень
- JAM stack (?)
- Yandex Map API
- git, github
- ImageMagick, webp, squoosh-cli
For local development use any web server to serve index.html
You will need to get Yamaps api key
php -S localhost:8080 #will serve on http://localhost:8080/
python3 -m http.server #will serve on
- create yandex profile at https://passport.yandex.ru/registration
- go through this guide and get your api key
- change api key in script tag to your own
You need to prepare spherical panorama:
- make your panorama with google view or anything else
- you will need to cut it in tiles 512x512 px and low quality version (use sh script for it )
- put panorama folder in tiles folder
here is representation of images folder structure:
- tiles
- pano1
- hq
- lq
- pano2
- ...
hq folder contains cuted tiles, lq contains low quality version of pano