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Releases: lexman/tuttle


07 Apr 10:40
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v0.6-dev2 Pre-release


  • Access your protected resources by setting passwords in a .tuttlepass file


  • Dependency graph from left to right is easier to read than top to bottom
  • Logs can be accessed even if the process is not complete yet
  • Link to find definition of process that creates a resource

Resources and processors

  • odbc resources and processor for handling any SQL database
  • ftp resources. Available for download processor
  • Download processor uses curl witch makes it more robusts for long downloads
  • Download processor can have multiple inputs, in order to ensure downloading in a subdirectory
  • hdfs resources


06 Aug 20:55
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v0.5-rc1 Pre-release
Switched to version0.5-rc1

Version 0.4

07 Jun 15:09
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Parametric processes

... To describe a workflow according to a configuration file or a the content of a directory :

  • 'preprocesses' are run before the workflow is executed
  • you can add processes to a workflow with the new command tuttle-extend-workflow from a preprocesses
  • a new tutorial explains how it works in detail


  • coma is DEPRECATED to separate resources in dependency definitions. You should now use space instead
  • docker images are available to use tuttle

Bug fixes

  • escape process ids in the report
  • file:// is not a valid resource
  • !shell does not stand for processor hell


07 Jun 17:04
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trying to publish arefact from appveyor to github release with regexp


07 Jun 07:02
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v0.4-rc2 Pre-release

Version v0.4-rc2

Version 0.3 : documentation and fun

30 Nov 10:17
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New "include" statement

... To split a tuttle project in several files

More documentation

the reference lists all the resources and processors available

New resources and processors :

  • PostgreSQL tables, views, functions and index resources
  • PostgreSQL Processor
  • https resources
  • AWS s3 resources (experimental)

Better tests

Part of tuttle's job is to connect to third party tools. Integration tests must cover these tools, like Postgresql or a web server... Two methods have been developed :

  • mock the third party tool with some python code (web server, s3 server)
  • use the third party tool if it is installed on the machine (postgresql)

A few bug fixes

  • bug on install that required jinja2 before installing dependencies


20 Aug 11:38
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New on Version 0.2

New resources and processors :

  • SQLite tables, views, triggers and index resources
  • SQLite Processor
  • http resources
  • download processor
  • Pyton Processor

A few bug fixes

And a tutorial as the first step to the doc !

V0.1 : first official release

07 Jun 17:26
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The goal of 0.1 is to show the intended usage of tuttle, in term of command line workflow.

You can download here installable package of tuttle for windows and debian based linux.

If your system is not listed, you can compile tuttle from the sources : be sure you have python 2.7 installed, download the sources, go into the directory and type :

python install

Happy working on data !


31 May 12:40
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v0.1-rc3 Pre-release
Fixed name of the file to upload for travis

Tuttle preview v0.1.-rc0

03 May 13:38
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Preview version to show the usage of tuttle

Install on Windows

download, unzip-it and you'll have a tuttle.exe up and running

Install on Linux (tested on Debian Wheezy)

download, untar-it and you'll have a tuttle script up and running