An example project for using old struts 1.x in springboot.
This project is created for who use the old Struts 1.x.
This example project, uses Struts Form / Action / JSP, and also shows some usages of the <%= %> , <% %>, etc.
To start, simple clone and start the main class SampleWebJspApplication, or run maven:run task.
If you like to start the main class instead of the maven:run task, you must set the Working Directory in IDEA or Eclipse, to <GIT_PROJECT_HOME>\main folder. Otherwise, you may got a 404 error, because SpringBoot cannot find the directory of \src\main\webapp.
After the embeded Tomcat is started, open your browser and access https://localhost:8080/
** HTTPS enabled, so the protocol should be https.
That's all.