Formats ASCII-Braille symbols into braille order for proper transcription of the Special Symbols Page as required by the Braille Authority of North America.
Minimal Viable Product:
- BrailleSymbolsAPI allows admins to maintain the special symbols database and users to query it.
- IssueTrackingAPI allows users to report errors/discrepancies in the database or suggest app changes.
Other Planned Features:
- Ability to search for symbols.
- Ability to select a symbol and add it to a list that is sorted into ASCII-braille order.
- Add 'dot locator' and special symbol description (for formatting of the Braille Special Symbols page)
Sort a pasted list into ASCII-braille order
- Alert user when a symbol includes a character that is not ASCII-braille
- Alert user when a symbol was not found in the database
- user may request alerted symbol be added to the database
- Issue System allows users to report bugs/errors and admins to assign/solve them
- landing page will allow users to query the special symbols database
- options to build the special symbols page or sort a list of symbols
- app alerts user when symbol includes a character that is not ASCII braille
- app alerts user when a symbol is not found in the database
- user files ticket to add symbol to database
- user login/registration for creating/reporting issues
- proposed modifications to application
- assign issues to other admins for research purposes
- Landing page
- Area to paste a list of special symbols for sort
- Sort button
Other features:
- Login option
- Search Symbols
- Option to export a csv of the symbols database
- profile management
- role management
- issue management
- identity access
- role based security
- tracking for issues
- symbol - str
- symbol name - str
- admin - str
- visitor - str
- owner - str
ticket - list
- priority - enum
- type - str
- Date Created - datetime
- IsClosed - boolean
- Date Closed - datetime
- note - str
- ticket id
- date created - datetime
- date updated - datetime
* The 64 ASCII-braille characters in 'braille order': abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz&=(!)*<%?:$]\[w1234567890/+#>'-@^_".;,
There are currently 510 known symbols listed in the ICEB database