This small utility parses the output of passenger-status and produces values that can be used with the accompanying zabbix template (zabbix-template.xml).
Copy the binary to /usr/local/bin and put the userparameter_passenger.conf file to the correct location to be included in your agent configuration.
The helper binary looks for passenger-status in the path or a RVM wrapper for the default Ruby.
mkdir ~/work/src/lucas/user/zabbix-passenger cp *.go src/lucas/user/zabbix-passenger/
export GOPATH=$HOME/work export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
go get go get go get
go install lucas/user/zabbix-passenger
Copy the binary to the desired system
- Copy the binary to the application server
- Move the file to /usr/local/bin
- Put the userparameter_passenger.conf at your zabbix conf folder and restart it
- Ready to go! :)