Easy way to convert pydantic2graphene models to graphene objects.
$ pip install pydantic2graphene
Using to_graphene
import pydantic
import pydantic2graphene
class User(pydantic.BaseModel):
email: str
active: bool = False
UserGql = pydantic2graphene.to_graphene(User)
Converting to multiple graphene types with ConverterToGrapheneBase
import pydantic
import pydantic2graphene
class User(pydantic.BaseModel):
email: str
active: bool = False
class UserConverter(pydantic2graphene.ConverterToGrapheneBase):
class Config:
model = User
UserGql = UserConverter.as_class() # graphene.ObjectType
UserInputGql = UserConverter.as_class(graphene.InputObjectType)
UserInterfaceGql = UserConverter.as_class(graphene.Interface)