Date | URL's Crawled per Second (Total) | URL's Crawled per Second (Successful) | Crawl Success Rate (%) | Commit Hash | Notes |
2024-08-14 | 0.27 | 0.16 | 56% | 267531120494ea6d4ecb291b66ec7fc561361e09 | Basic async implementation |
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- Set
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scalable version of this consumer/scraper should be k8s with multiple pods
for repeated scraping, store a hash of robots.txt and the page content for each url
add more metadata for each url successful_crawl_count failed_crawl_count
add automated handling for database/table setup and connection
"INFO - scraper - Metadata saved for" - this logging message may not be properly setup for when the scraping fails
cleanup metadata.json
this shouldn't be created anymore
maybe not all url html data getting downloaded
scraping/playwright optimizations: - Block unnecessary resources to speed up page loads
batch inserts for metadata?
kafka improvements
batch send url's to kafka
do it time based
implement multiple consumers / multiple partitionsß