An operating system kernel called MortyOS, based on JOS from MIT 6.828, JamesM's kernel development tutorials and hurlex OS kernel tutorial.
MortyOS is developed for learning purporses, some features may not be perfect.
function (can't print float/double)- few functions in
- protected mode flat memory model(gdt)
- interrupt handler (idt isr irq)
- simple physical memory management
- paging for kernel
- kernel heap (kmalloc and kfree)
- very naive virtual file system interface
- initial ramdisk with a simple file system (based on Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces)
- simple kernel thread
- booting from virtual hard disk using grub instead of grub legacy
- Buddy Algorithm
- better kmalloc algorithm
- drivers
- unix style proccess
Morty is the name of a charactor from Rick and Morty (an adult animated science fiction sitcom called).