- Use Aliyun Yum repo
- Use Aliyun Docker repo
- Use Aliyun Kubernetes repo
- Docker 19.03.11
- kubeadm 1.18.2
- kubelet 1.18.2
- kubectl 1.18.2
- calico v1.14.2
chmod +x *.sh
> kubeadm_join_node.sh
then run the command on master to get the join command
> kubeadm token create --print-join-command
run the result on node
then run
cd k8s_dashboard_v2.0.0 ./install-dashboard.sh
some .sh may no work£¬because win format. net tool dos2unix
dos2unix *.sh
open port limit:
vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
add line bellow:
- --service-node-port-range=10-32767