This is the USTC Team repo for 7th RDMA Programming Competition held by HPC Advisory Council.
Ziyu Zhang (zzymm)
Qingcai Jiang (qcjiang)
Le Xu (lexu)
Zitan Liu (libreliu)
Jiawei Fu (iBug)
Storm with DiSNI Messaging Plugin: libreliu/storm (Branch: storm-rdma
Storm with JXIO Messaging Plugin: zzymm/storm (Branch: storm-rdma-jxio
Messaging Wrapper used for DiSNI Standalone Test: libreliu/disni-plugin-tester
Our topology code for test: TestTopology/
Please follow the
in the dir, and also reports below to set it up properly.
RDMA Optimization on Apache Storm: Report link
Below are tests taken from ACSA Lab machines.
Performance of MPI Applications in Singularity-based container environments
Performance evaluation of TensorFlow with RDMA in Singularity-based container environments
Performance evaluation of MongoDB with RDMA in Singularity-based container environments