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upload package

Federico Dossena edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 1 revision
Uploader class

A Thread that uses a Connection to upload an endless stream of POST request containing garbage data to the server. The upload starts immediately (no need to call start()).

This is the upload equivalent of the Downloader class.


public Uploader(Connection c, String path, int ckSize)
  • c: the instance of Connection to be used
  • path: path on the server where the garbage data will be sent
  • ckSize: size in megabytes of the garbage data sent with each POST request

Important: when an instance of Uploader is created, a blob of ckSize megabytes is generated and stays in RAM. Don't instantiate too many!

This thread repeatedly sends a POST request containing garbage data to the server. Responses coming from the server are ignored and discarded.


  • onProgress(long uploaded): periodically called to inform of how much data was uploaded. (Max once every 200ms)
  • onError(String err): called if something goes wrong. err contains the error message


  • stopASAP(): asks to stop the upload as soon as possible. The Connection will also be closed. Use join() to wait for the thread to die
  • resetUploadCounter(): resets the counter of the amount of upload data
  • getUploaded(): returns the amount of uploaded data since the beginning or last reset
UploadStream class

A stream for the upload test. Manages a Connection and an Uploader, and handles errors according to the specified policy.

This is the upload equivalent of the DownloadStream class.


public DownloadStream(String server, String path, int ckSize, String errorHandlingMode, int connectTimeout, int soTimeout, int recvBuffer, int sendBuffer, Logger log)
  • server: URL to the server where we need to connect
  • path: path on the server where the garbage data can be fetched
  • ckSize: size in megabytes of the garbage data
  • errorHandlingMode: what we should do in case of errors:
    • SpeedtestConfig.ONERROR_FAIL: Fail immediately
    • SpeedtestConfig.ONERROR_ATTEMPT_RESTART: Try to reconnect. If that fails, the stream fails
    • SpeedtestConfig.ONERROR_MUST_RESTART: Keep trying to reconnect until we succeed (or stopped)
  • connectTimeout, soTimeout, recvBuffer, sendBuffer: settings for the socket created by Connection
  • log: instance of Logger that is used to report errors such as dead connections


  • onError(String err): called if the stream fails. err contains the error message


  • stopASAP(): asks to stop the upload as soon as possible. The Connection will also be closed. Use join() to wait for the connection to be actually closed
  • resetUploadCounter(): resets the counter of the amount of uploaded data
  • getTotalUploaded(): returns the amount of uploaded data since the beginning or last reset
  • join(): waits for the instance of Uploader to die
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