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Alex Parker edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 1 revision

How to Optimize Lidgren

  • Recycle incoming messages. This will put less strain on the garbage collector and thus faster GC sweeps.
  • Preallocate size in NetOutgoingMessage by using the CreateMessage(int) method. This will remove the need for the library to resize the buffer as you add data to it - relieving GC pressure.
  • Disable unused message types. This will reduce the amount of unused messages created which reduces both GC pressure and cpu time to create them.
  • Tweak the NetPeerConfiguration values. They can help with latency, bandwidth usage and memory usage.
  • To save on bandwidth; use the smallest data type necessary and consider using Write(value, numbits), WriteVariableInt32(), WriteRangedInteger(), WriteUnitSingle() etc to encode your data.
  • Use unreliable channels for data that does not absolutely need to be reliable. This will reduce the amount of memory used to store not-yet-acknowledged messages. It will also reduce the amount of cpu used to track reliable messages.
  • Use WritePadBits to speed up reading; see WritePadBits
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