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Lido Lido Oracle

License: GPL v3 Tests

Oracle daemon for Lido decentralized staking service: Monitoring the state of the protocol across both layers and submitting regular update reports to the Lido smart contracts.

How it works

There are 3 modules in the oracle:

  • Accounting
  • Ejector
  • CSM

Accounting module

Accounting module updates the protocol TVL, distributes node-operator rewards, updates information about the number of exited and stuck validators and processes user withdrawal requests. Also Accounting module makes decision to turn on/off the bunker.


The oracle work is delineated by time periods called frames. Oracles finalize a report in each frame. The default Accounting Oracle frame length on mainnet is 225 epochs, which is 24 hours (it could be changed by DAO). The frame includes these stages:

  • Waiting - oracle starts as daemon and wakes up every 12 seconds (by default) in order to find the last finalized slot (ref slot). If ref slot missed, Oracle tries to find previous non-missed slot.
  • Data collection: oracles monitor the state of both the execution and consensus layers and collect the data;
  • Hash consensus: oracles analyze the data, compile the report and submit its hash to the HashConsensus smart contract;
  • Core update report: once the quorum of hashes is reached, meaning required number of Oracles submitted the same hash, one of the oracles chosen in turn submits the actual report to the AccountingOracle contract, which triggers the core protocol state update, including the token rebase, finalization of withdrawal requests, and deciding whether to go in the bunker mode.
  • Extra data report: an third phase report carrying additional information. It can be delivered multi-transactionally. Delivers stuck and exited validators count by node operators. For some modules unlocks rewards distribution.

Ejector module

Ejector module requests Lido validators to eject via events in Execution Layer when the protocol requires additional funds to process user withdrawals.


  • Finds out how much ETH is needed to cover withdrawals.
  • Predicts mean Lido income into Withdrawal and Execution Rewards Vaults.
  • Figures out when the next validator will be withdrawn.
  • Form a validator's queue with enough validators to fill all withdrawals requests.
  • Force eject validators from Node Operator with boosted exits flag even no withdrawal requests.
  • Encode validators data and send transaction


Machine requirements

Only Oracle:

  • vCPUs - 2
  • Memory - 8 GB

Oracle + KAPI:

  • vCPU - 4
  • Memory - 16 GB


Execution Client Node

To prepare the report, Oracle fetches up to 10 days old events, makes historical requests for balance data and makes simulated reports on historical blocks. This requires an archive execution node. Oracle needs two weeks of archived data.

Client Tested Notes
Geth 🟒 --gcmode=archive


Nethermind πŸ”΄ Not tested yet
Besu 🟒 Use
Erigon 🟒 Use

Consensus Client Node

Also, to calculate some metrics for bunker mode Oracle needs archive consensus node.

Client Tested Notes
Lighthouse 🟒 Use --reconstruct-historic-states param
Lodestar πŸ”΄ Not tested yet
Nimbus πŸ”΄ Not tested yet
Prysm 🟒 Use
Teku 🟒 Use

Keys API Service

This is a separate service that uses Consensus and Execution Clients to fetch all lido keys. It stores the latest state of lido keys in database.

Lido Keys API repository.


Oracle daemon could be run using a docker container. Images is available on Docker Hub. Pull the image using the following command:

docker pull lidofinance/oracle:{tag}

Where {tag} is a version of the image. You can find the latest version in the releases OR
You can build it locally using the following command (make sure build it from latest release):

docker build -t lidofinance/oracle .

Full variables list could be found here.

Checks before running

  1. Use .env.example file content to create your own .env file. Set required values. It will be enough to run the oracle in check mode.
  2. Check that your environment is ready to run the oracle using the following command:
    docker run -ti --env-file .env --rm lidofinance/oracle:{tag} check
    If everything is ok, you will see that all required checks are passed and your environment is ready to run the oracle.

Run the oracle

  1. By default, the oracle runs in dry mode. It means that it will not send any transactions to the Ethereum network. To run Oracle in production mode, set MEMBER_PRIV_KEY or MEMBER_PRIV_KEY_FILE environment variable:


    Where {value} is a private key of the Oracle member account or:


    Where {path} is a path to the private key of the Oracle member account.

  2. Run the container using the following command:

    docker run --env-file .env lidofinance/oracle:{tag} {type}

    Replace {tag} with the image version and {type} with one of the two types of oracles: accounting or ejector.

Note: of course, you can pass env variables without using .env file. For example, you can run the container using the following command:

docker run --env EXECUTION_CLIENT_URI={value} --env CONSENSUS_CLIENT_URI={value} --env KEYS_API_URI={value} --env LIDO_LOCATOR_ADDRESS={value} lidofinance/oracle:{tag} {type}

Manual mode

Oracle could be executed once in "manual" mode. To do this setup DAEMON variable to 'False'.

Note: Use -it option to run manual mode in Docker container in interactive mode. Example docker run -ti --env-file .env --rm lidofinance/oracle:{tag} {type}

In this mode Oracle will build report as usual (if contracts are reportable) and before submitting transactions Oracle will ask for manual input to send transaction.

In manual mode all sleeps are disabled and ALLOW_REPORTING_IN_BUNKER_MODE is True.

Env variables

Name Description Required Example value
EXECUTION_CLIENT_URI URI of the Execution Layer client True http://localhost:8545
CONSENSUS_CLIENT_URI URI of the Consensus Layer client True http://localhost:5052
KEYS_API_URI URI of the Keys API True http://localhost:8080
LIDO_LOCATOR_ADDRESS Address of the Lido contract True 0x1...
CSM_MODULE_ADDRESS Address of the CSModule contract CSM only 0x1...
MEMBER_PRIV_KEY Private key of the Oracle member account False 0x1...
MEMBER_PRIV_KEY_FILE A path to the file contained the private key of the Oracle member account. It takes precedence over MEMBER_PRIV_KEY False /app/private_key
GW3_ACCESS_KEY An access key to IPFS provider CSM only 123456789-1234-5678-9012-123456789012
GW3_ACCESS_KEY_FILE A path to a file with an access key to IPFS provider CSM only /app/gwt_access
GW3_SECRET_KEY A secret key to IPFS provider CSM only aBcD1234...
GW3_SECRET_KEY_FILE A path to a file with a secret key to IPFS provider CSM only /app/gwt_secret
PINATA_JWT JWT token to access IPFS provider CSM only aBcD1234...
PINATA_JWT_FILE A path to a file with a JWT token to access IPFS provider CSM only /app/pintata_secret
FINALIZATION_BATCH_MAX_REQUEST_COUNT The size of the batch to be finalized per request (The larger the batch size, the more memory of the contract is used but the fewer requests are needed) False 1000
EL_REQUESTS_BATCH_SIZE The amount of entities that would be fetched in one request to EL False 1000
ALLOW_REPORTING_IN_BUNKER_MODE Allow the Oracle to do report if bunker mode is active False True
DAEMON If False Oracle runs one cycle and ask for manual input to send report. False True
TX_GAS_ADDITION Used to modify gas parameter that used in transaction. (gas = estimated_gas + TX_GAS_ADDITION) False 100000
CYCLE_SLEEP_IN_SECONDS The time between cycles of the oracle's activity False 12
MAX_CYCLE_LIFETIME_IN_SECONDS The maximum time for a cycle to continue False 3000
SUBMIT_DATA_DELAY_IN_SLOTS The difference in slots between submit data transactions from Oracles. It is used to prevent simultaneous sending of transactions and, as a result, transactions revert. False 6
HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_EXECUTION Timeout for HTTP execution layer requests False 120
HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_CONSENSUS Timeout for HTTP consensus layer requests False 300
HTTP_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT_CONSENSUS Total number of retries to fetch data from endpoint for consensus layer requests False 5
HTTP_REQUEST_SLEEP_BEFORE_RETRY_IN_SECONDS_CONSENSUS The delay http provider sleeps if API is stuck for consensus layer False 12
HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_KEYS_API Timeout for HTTP keys api requests False 120
HTTP_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT_KEYS_API Total number of retries to fetch data from endpoint for keys api requests False 300
HTTP_REQUEST_SLEEP_BEFORE_RETRY_IN_SECONDS_KEYS_API The delay http provider sleeps if API is stuck for keys api False 300
HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IPFS Timeout for HTTP requests to an IPFS provider False 30
HTTP_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT_IPFS Total number of retries to fetch data from an IPFS provider False 3
EVENTS_SEARCH_STEP Maximum length of a range for eth_getLogs method calls False 10000
PRIORITY_FEE_PERCENTILE Priority fee percentile from prev block that would be used to send tx False 3
MIN_PRIORITY_FEE Min priority fee that would be used to send tx False 50000000
MAX_PRIORITY_FEE Max priority fee that would be used to send tx False 100000000000
CSM_ORACLE_MAX_CONCURRENCY Max count of dedicated workers for CSM module False 2
CACHE_PATH Directory to store cache for CSM module False .

Mainnet variables



A few basic alerts, which can be configured in the Prometheus Alertmanager.

  - name: oracle-alerts
      - alert: AccountBalance
        expr: lido_oracle_account_balance / 10^18 < 1
        for: 10m
          severity: critical
          summary: "Dangerously low account balance"
          description: "Account balance is less than 1 ETH. Address: {.labels.address}: {.value} ETH"
      - alert: OutdatedData
        expr: (lido_oracle_genesis_time + ignoring (state) lido_oracle_slot_number{state="head"} * 12) < time() - 300
        for: 1h
          severity: critical
          summary: "Outdated Consensus Layer HEAD slot"
          description: "Processed by Oracle HEAD slot {.value} too old"


Note: all metrics are prefixed with lido_oracle_ by default.

The oracle exposes the following basic metrics:

Metric name Description Labels
build_info Build info version, branch, commit
genesis_time Fetched genesis time from node
account_balance Fetched account balance from EL address
slot_number Last fetched slot number from CL state (head or finalized)
block_number Last fetched block number from CL state (head or finalized)
functions_duration Histogram metric with duration of each main function in the app name, status
el_requests_duration Histogram metric with duration of each EL request endpoint, call_method, call_to, code, domain
cl_requests_duration Histogram metric with duration of each CL request endpoint, code, domain
keys_api_requests_duration Histogram metric with duration of each KeysAPI request endpoint, code, domain
keys_api_latest_blocknumber Latest block number from KeysAPI metadata
transactions_count Total count of transactions. Success or failure status
member_info Oracle member info is_report_member, is_submit_member, is_fast_lane
member_last_report_ref_slot Member last report ref slot
frame_current_ref_slot Current frame ref slot
frame_deadline_slot Current frame deadline slot
frame_prev_report_ref_slot Previous report ref slot
contract_on_pause Contract on pause

Special metrics for accounting oracle:

Metric name Description Labels
accounting_is_bunker Is bunker mode enabled
accounting_cl_balance_gwei Reported CL balance in gwei
accounting_el_rewards_vault_wei Reported EL rewards in wei
accounting_withdrawal_vault_balance_wei Reported withdrawal vault balance in wei
accounting_exited_validators Reported exited validators count for each operator module_id, no_id
accounting_stuck_validators Reported stuck validators count for each operator module_id, no_id
accounting_delayed_validators Reported delayed validators count for each operator module_id, no_id

Special metrics for ejector oracle:

Metric name Description Labels
ejector_withdrawal_wei_amount To withdraw amount
ejector_max_withdrawal_epoch Max withdrawal epoch among all Lido validators on CL
ejector_validators_count_to_eject Validators count to eject

Special metrics for CSM oracle:

Metric name Description Labels


Python version: 3.12


  1. Setup poetry
  2. Install dependencies
poetry install


Required variables for accounting and ejector modules

export KEYS_API_URI=...

Required variables for CSM module

export KEYS_API_URI=...
export MAX_CYCLE_LIFETIME_IN_SECONDS=60000  # Reasonable high value to make sure the oracle has enough time to process the whole frame.

Run oracle module

poetry run python -m src.main {module}

Where {module} is one of:

  • accounting
  • ejector
  • csm
  • check


Testing guide

poetry run pytest .

Code quality

Used the following tools:

Make sure that your code is formatted correctly and passes all checks:

black tests
pylint src tests
mypy src


2023 Lido

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Release flow

To create new release:

  1. Merge all changes to the master branch
  2. Navigate to Repo => Actions
  3. Run action "Prepare release" action against master branch
  4. When action execution is finished, navigate to Repo => Pull requests
  5. Find pull request named "chore(release): X.X.X" review and merge it with "Rebase and merge" (or "Squash and merge")
  6. After merge release action will be triggered automatically
  7. Navigate to Repo => Actions and see last actions logs for further details