This repo contains two main things:
- the exploratory data analysis for Districtr to see if it was possible to calculate contiguity and cut edges;
- an implementation of a server that calculates contiguity and cut edges in real time on the Districtr app.
This is what I did for the week 21--27 June: find a way to convert Districtr JSON assingments to GerryChain partitions.
This is a FLASK server that listens for POST requests from the Districtr app. The POST request will contain a JSON object which is an assignment of geographic units to districts, and the server will return the number of cut edges and whether or not the plan is contiguous.
I am working on some additional features
On the command line, first clone this repository:
git clone
Then install Git LFS. It's a bit of a faff to get Git LFS setup on PythonAnywhere but this guide is very helpful:
the latest release from
Then tar -xvf
the latest release, and edit the
find the line that says prefix=
and change it to
Then ./
Then, go to the PythonAnywhere dashboard. In the "Web" tab, do the following:
Under the "Code" heading, point "Source code:" to
. -
On the WSGI configuration file
, set the following under the Flask section:
# +++++++++++ FLASK +++++++++++
# Flask works like any other WSGI-compatible framework, we just need
# to import the application. Often Flask apps are called "app" so we
# may need to rename it during the import:
import sys
## The "/home/lieu" below specifies your home
## directory -- the rest should be the directory you uploaded your Flask
## code to underneath the home directory. So if you just ran
## "git clone"
## ...or uploaded files to the directory "myproject", then you should
## specify "/home/lieu/myproject"
path = '/home/lieu/districtr-eda'
if path not in sys.path:
from server import app as application # noqa
cd districtr-eda
pip3 install -r --user
flask run
and you should observe
* Serving Flask app ""
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)