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Regex Cheatsheet (JavaScript)

Amount of symbols
Greedy/non-greedy search
Beginning or end of the string
Lookahead and lookbehind
Sets of symbols
Special symbols
Named capture groups
JavaScript Regex flags

Amount of symbols

Symbol Description
? 1 or 0 times (the same as {0,1})
+ 1 or many times (the same as {1,})
* 0 or many times (the same as {0,})
{n,m} n <= k <= m times


In string Hello world will be found:

/le?/g - 3 letters "l"
/el?/g - part "el"

/le+/g - nothing
/el+/g - part "ell"

/le*/g - 3 letters "l"

/ll{0,1}/g - parts "ll" and "l"

Greedy/non-greedy search

By default all Regexes are greedy. To make non-greedy search ? should be used after any of the quantifiers *, +, ?, or {}.


In string Hello world will be found:

/el?/g - part "el"
/el??/g - part "e"

/el+/g - part "ell"
/el+?/g - part "el"

/el*/g - part "ell"
/el*?/g - letter "e"

/l{1,2}/g - parts "ll" and "l"
/l{1,2}?/g - 3 letters "l"

Beginning or end of the string

Symbol Description
^ Matches beginning of the string
$ Matches end of the string


In string hello hard world will be found:

/h/g - 2 letters "h"
/^h/g - first letter "h"

/d/g - 2 letters "d"
/d$/g - last letter "d"

Lookahead and lookbehind

Symbol Description
(?=) Positive lookahead
(!?) Negative lookahead
(?<=) Positive lookbehind
(?<!) Negative lookbehind

Lookbehind was added only in ES2018, be careful with using it


In string a1ba2ba3b will be found:

/b(?=a2|a3)/g - 2 letters "b"
/b(?!a2|a3)/g - last letter "b"

/(?<=a1|a2)b/g - 2 letters "b"
/(?<!a1|a2)b/g - last letter "b"

Sets of symbols

Symbol Description
() Group set of symbols
(?:) Group set of symbols, but don't remember
[] Enumerate possible symbols (or their absence)
. Any symbol
| Operator OR


In string barfoooooobar will be found:

/foo{1,2}/g - part "fooo"
/(foo){1,2}/g - part "foo"
/(?:foo){1,2}/g - part "foo"

/[^a-o]/g - 2 letters "r"
/[abc]/g - 4 letters "b", "a", "b" and "a" 

Special symbols

Symbol Description
. Any symbol
\b Word boundary
\B Non-word boundary
\cX Control character
\d Digit character
\D Non-digit character
\w Alphanumeric character including the underscore
\W Non-word character
\s single white space character, including space, tab, form feed, line feed
\S Single character other than white space
\t Tab
\v Vertical tab
\f Line feed
\n New line
\r Сarriage return
\1 Back reference to first () group (can be used any integer)
\xhh Character with the code hh
\uhhhh Character with the code hhhh
\u{hhhhh} *Character with the Unicode value hhhhh
\p{X} *Symbols that are included in group X

*Works only with u flag and in ES2018

\p{X} works wrong in Edge (see bug).


In string Hello World_1 will be found:

/\bW/g - letter "W"
/\w\d/g - part "_1"
/\Bd/g - letter "d"

In string 💏🤳 selfie emoji can be found with u flag:

/\u{1f933}/u - emoji "🤳"

In string πüé HelloWorld will be found with u flag:

/\p{White_Space}/gu - space " "
/\p{Letter}/gu - all letters in phrase
/\p{Script=Greek}/gu - letter "π"
/\p{Script=Latin}/gu - letters "ü", "é", "H", "e", "l", "l", "o", "W", "o", "r", "l", "d"

To see all possible aliases for different groups of symbols go here

Named capture groups

To give a name to the group inside your Regex you should use this syntax: (?<SomeName>), to use this group inside the same Regex use this syntax: \k<SomeName>.


In string 2018-05-22 will be found:

/(?<year>[0-9]{4})-(?<month>[0-9]{2})-(?<day>[0-9]{2})/ - year, month and day and can be reached by the same names.

In string abc!abc will be found:

/^(?<word>\w+)!\k<word>$/g - whole phrase
/^(\w+)!\1$/g - whole phrase

JavaScript Regex flags

Symbol Description
g Global search
m Multiline search
i Case insensitive search
u* Full unicode support
y Sticky mode (starts from lastIndex)
s* Dot matches all

*Works only in ES2018


In string foo💩bar will be found:

/ - nothing
/ - whole string
/[💩-💫]/ - error (it can't be compiled)
/[💩-💫]/u - 💩 symbol

In string abc!abc will be found:

/abc/ - first part "abc"
/abc/g - all parts "abc"

In string abc\nabc will be found:

/abc./ - nothing ("." is any symbol, but new line)
/abc./s - first part "abc\n"


Small cheatsheet for Regex (JavaScript)






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