Use Apollo Client in your Storybook stories.
- If you're using Apollo Client 2.x and Storybook 5.x use version 1.x
- If you're using Apollo Client 2.x or 3.x and Storybook 6.x use version 4.x
- If you're using Apollo Client 2.x or 3.x and Storybook 7.x use version 5.x
- If you're using Apollo Client 2.x or 3.x and Storybook 8.x use version 7.x
- If you're using Apollo Client 3.x and Storybook 8.3+ use version 8.x
due to how MockedProvider works in Apollo, you will have to hard refresh when visiting sub stories (visiting stories that exist in the same file) to get the expected results, please upvote my comment here to see if we can get this fixed: apollographql/apollo-client#9738 (comment)
pnpm add -D storybook-addon-apollo-client
yarn add -D storybook-addon-apollo-client
npm install -D storybook-addon-apollo-client
Add the addon to your configuration in .storybook/main.ts
export default {
addons: [
- removed
key to favor composition
import { MockedProvider } from "@apollo/client/testing"; // Use for Apollo Version 3+
// import { MockedProvider } from "@apollo/react-testing"; // Use for Apollo Version < 3
export const preview = {
parameters: {
apolloClient: {
globalMocks: [
// whatever mocks you want here
// Whatever you want here, but not Apollo Client related
import type { Meta } from "@storybook/react";
import { globalMocks } from "./globalMocks";
import { otherMocks } from "./otherMocks";
import { YourComponent, YOUR_QUERY } from "./component";
export const meta: Meta<typeof DisplayLocation> = {
component: YourComponent,
parameters: {
apolloClient: {
mocks: [
request: {
query: YOUR_QUERY,
result: {
data: {
// your data here
In previous versions, we had a decorator called withApolloClient
this is no longer nesscessary. If you're upgrading from this API here are the following changes that you'll need to make:
- remove all code referencing the deprecated withApolloClient decorator.
- follow install instructions
import DashboardPage, { DashboardPageQuery } from ".";
export default {
title: "My Story",
export const Example = () => <DashboardPage />;
Example.parameters = {
apolloClient: {
mocks: [
request: {
query: DashboardPageQuery,
result: {
data: {
viewer: null,
Read more about the options available for MockedProvider at
In Storybook, click "Show Addons" and navigate to the "Apollo Client" tab.
To see real world usage of how to use this addon, check out the example app:
You can use the delay
parameter to simulate loading state.
import DashboardPage, { DashboardPageQuery } from ".";
export default {
title: "My Story",
export const Example = () => <DashboardPage />;
Example.parameters = {
apolloClient: {
mocks: [
// Use `delay` parameter to increase loading time
delay: 1000,
request: {
query: DashboardPageQuery,
result: {
data: {},
You can use the error
parameter to create error state.
import DashboardPage, { DashboardPageQuery } from ".";
export default {
title: "My Story",
export const Example = () => <DashboardPage />;
Example.parameters = {
apolloClient: {
mocks: [
request: {
query: DashboardPageQuery,
error: new ApolloError("This is a mock network error"),