iPhone 5s
iPhone 7
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone X
iPad Air 1
iPad Mini 2
iPad 6th Gen (2018)
iPad Mini 3
iPad 7th Gen (2019)
iPod Touch 7th Gen (2019)
iPhone 8 Support Comming Soon
More may come :)
Step 1) Download your noapnonce shsh2 blob from tsssaver or any other one with a generator and put it in the folder you downloaded and name it blob.shsh2
Step 2) Download your iPSW and put it in the folder. Renanme the iPSW to restore.ipsw
Step 3) cd into the folder and then run chmod +x restore.sh
Step 4) Run ./restore.sh and follow the directions
Make sure the SEP is compatable with the version you are trying to restore.
This will wipe all of your data.
For a7 you can downgrade iOS 11.3-12.4.4
For all other devices you can go only to 13.3 asfaik
MatthewPierson for the Checkm8-nonce-setter
Tihmstar for FutureRestore
80036nd for this tool ;)