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A video player made for LightTube.




just import dist/player.min.js & dist/player.min.css into your HTML file, and then initialize the player with the following snippet:

	const player = new Player("video", {
		author: {
			icon: "URL of the author icon",
			title: "Name of the video author",
			href: "Link to the author's website"
		title: "Title of the video",
		buttons: {
			// Icons for the control buttons. Accepts HTML.
			// It's recommended to use SVG icons.
			play: '▶',
			pause: '⏸',
			volumeMute: '🔇',
			volumeLow: '🔈',
			volumeMedium: '🔉',
			volumeHigh: '🔊',
			settings: '⚙',
			fullscreen: '🔳',
			minimize: '🔲',
			skipToLiveHtml: '⏩'


You can use CSS variables to style parts of the player.

CSS Variable Description Default value
ltp-font Font used by the title, timestamp, menus etc. "sans-serif"
ltp-title-height Height of the title element 60px
ltp-top-gradient Top gradient of the player. linear-gradient(to bottom, #0005, #0000)
ltp-top-gradient-height Height of the top gradient. 100px
ltp-controls-height Height of the controls row. 40px
ltp-bottom-gradient Bottom gradient of the player. linear-gradient(to top, #0005, #0000)
ltp-bottom-gradient-height Height of the bottom gradient. 100px
ltp-progress-bar-background Video playback progress bar background. rgba(255, 255, 255, .2)
ltp-progress-bar-buffered Video playback buffered bar color. rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)
ltp-progress-bar-hover Video playback hover bar color. rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)
ltp-progress-bar-played Video playback played bar color. #F00
ltp-volume-bar-background Volume bar background. rgba(255, 255, 255, .2)
ltp-volume-bar-color Volume bar color. #fff
ltp-menu-background Menu background. rgba(28, 28, 28, .9)
ltp-menu-hover Menu item hover color. rgba(72, 72, 72, .9)
ltp-menu-text Menu item text color. #fff
ltp-storyboard-background Background of the storyboard. rgba(72, 72, 72, .9);
ltp-time-popup-text Text color of the popup time text. #fff
ltp-time-popup-background Background color of the popup time text. rgba(28, 28, 28, .9);
ltp-skip-background Background color of the skip button. #0007
ltp-skip-text Background color of the skip button text. #ccc
ltp-skip-border Border of the skip button. 1px solid #ccc
ltp-skip-hover-background Background color of the hovered skip button. #0009
ltp-skip-hover-text Background color of the hovered skip button text. #fff
ltp-skip-hover-border Border of the hovered skip button. 1px solid #fff
ltp-endscreen-item-background Background color of the endscreen cards #ccc
ltp-endscreen-item-title Endscreen card title text color #fff
ltp-endscreen-item-subtitle Endscreen card subtitle text color #ddd

Todo list

[x] HLS Playback
[x] Subtitles (by user agent)
[ ] Subtitles (custom, style-able)
[x] Hotkeys
[x] Preview thumbnails (storyboards)
[ ] High quality preview thumbnails (YouTube L2)
[x] Endcards
[x] Playback Segments