Graduate of Makers Academy software engineering bootcamp November 2021.
The Makers course focused on pair programming, test driven development, Agile processes, and learning by doing. You can see my progression throughout the course on Github, and in these projects:
Project | Description | Timeframe | Tech |
Rock Paper Scissor | Rock Paper Scissor against the computer with player name input | solo-project | Ruby, Sinatra, RSpec, Capybara, HTML, CSS, Heroku |
InFactuation | An app to share and store interesting facts, with a user profile setup | solo-project | Ruby, Sinatra, RSpec, Capybara, PostgreSQL, HTML |
Bank Tech Test | A Command Line app for a bank account | solo-project | Ruby, RSpec, Rubocop |
KickAbout | A webapp designed to make organising and playing football games more accessible to everyone outside of its traditional audience | 10-day final project in a group of 4 | Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Capybara, PostgreSQL, HTML, SASS |
IOBook | A social networking webapp for programmers using Rails for the first time | 10-day project in a group of 6 | Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Capybara, HTML, CSS, Heroku |
Post It | A frontend single-page app to write and store notes, live on GitHub Pages | 4-day project in a group of 3 | Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS, custom-built testing framework in JavaScript |
Takeaway | A Command Line app allowing users to select dishes from a menu and place an order, integrated with Twilio API to send confirmation texts | Weekend solo project | Ruby, RSpec, Rubocop |