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Custom Scrollbar

Creates a custom scrollbar intended for use in specific cases where it is needed, eg tables where you dont want the default scrollbar.

Basic usage

<CustomScrollbar aria-controls="__nuxt" class="absolute h-full top-0 right-0" />

Props overview

CustomScrollbar's props overview

Prop Description Default value Data type
persistent Enables the scrollbar always, even though the target is not scrollable false Boolean
ariaControls Target element for scrolling. "__nuxt" is used for the whole page instead of individual elements. null String
ariaValueNow Sets the first column of the table as the table header. 0 [String,Number]
ariaValuemin Sets the minimum value of the scrollbar as aria property aria-valuemin. 0 [String,Number]
ariaValuemax Sets the maximum value of the scrollbar as aria property aria-valuemin. 100 [String,Number]
ariaOrientation Sets the orientation of the scrollbar as aria property aria-orientation. 'vertical' String
handleAriaLabel Sets the aria-label for the handle. 'Scrollbar handle' String
handleStyle For additional inline styling of the handle of the scrollbar. null [String,Object,Array]
handleClass For additional classes for the handle of the scrollbar. null [String,Object,Array]

Available slots

Slot name Description
beforeRail Content placed before the rail, alike the arrows in the default chrome scrollbar.
afterRail Content placed after the rail, alike the arrows in the default chrome scrollbar.

Slot methods

Method Description
scrollBy Adjusts the scrollbar's position by a specified number of pixels when given a parameter. Negative values scroll in the opposite direction
scrollToStart Scrolls the scrollbar's rail to the beginning of the scrollbar.
scrollToEnd Scrolls the scrollbar's rail to the end of the scrollbar.