Steps to setup development environment using Mage Inferno Magento 2 Docker Images.
Download, unzip to htdocs/
To avoid the issue of localhost not loading due to browsers (e.g. chrome) not saving cookies for URLs with less than 2 dots (.) in them depicted here: magento/magento2#2614 ||
Do this: In the Magento setup environment variables: setup.env, change: Magento base URL to:
In CLI, cd into unzipped folder and do: docker-compose run --rm setup
then: docker-compose up -d
Magento CLI: docker-compose exec phpfpm ./bin/magento [magento command]
Magento admin URL: docker exec -it PHPCONTAINERID head -5 app/etc/env.php => This should give you the first 5 lines of app/etc/env.php, the 5th line being the admin url.
Official Documentation: