List of extensions, shortcuts or just useful commands that we will expand little by little.
🍋 Our modules examples contains all the LLM Modules examples that are avaliable atm, if there is a folder then name should correspond to a git repo where module is chillin
🧇 Apache2 commands, extensions and instruction how to create web server/API and get it running/self-start after error for your console application (API endpoint)
🍰 Entity Framework and .NET blazor snippets, to help configure your endpoints/routes inside console itself and .NET web apps
🌵 Vulnerability checklist will help you with unit-tests and at least major cases user could do with your app to break it (so u can prevent that beforehand, checkmate)
🍩 Discord and DSharp library markdown and webhooks data just to copy paste from one place (i hate googling it all the time tbh)
🔥 Firebase snippets and examples contains connecting, pushing to DB and other stuff in JS and C#