Download Youtube manually, a temporary workaround before your downloader such as youtube-dl patch if youtube website changed.
xb@dnxb:~/note/sh/ytdown_manual$ ytdown
Usage: ytdown <video url> <audio url> <name> <upload date> <video id>
[1] The video url normally bigger size or itag=243/247, while audio url is smaller size or itag=251. You can quickly recognize the url by checking the filter by Media tab in network inspector, then sort by file size and right-click to copy the biggest and smallest size url, OR double click the url to see it's video or audio(only first two links works).
[2] You choose highest quality on video settings first, click trash icon to clear inspector log, then get the latest/highest quaility media url by dragging the duration bar.
[3] The order of <video url> and <audio url> not important.
Download as chunk of segments required to keep the initial fast download speed, or else it probably drop to very slow speed.
You probably want to make it as alias in ~/.bash_aliases, e.g.:
alias ytdown='bash ~/n/sh/ytdown_manual/'