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Jakob Runge edited this page Nov 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

The sndcomp container

The lingdb/sndcomp image aims to provide a specific version of the lingdb/soundcomparisons project.


For the use of oauth2 you need a sndcomp/client_secrets.json file that can be obtained from the google developers console. A good description of how to get the client_secrets.json is also given in the flask-oauth repository.

The nginx/sound/ directory needs to be filled with the soundcomparisons specific sound files, otherwise the lingdb/sndcomp container will fail to serve sound files.

Make sure to have the soundcomparisons submodule initialized by something like git submodule init; git submodule update. The submodule will be used by both the lingdb/nginx container to provide static files, and by the for the lingdb/sndcomp container itself.

An instance of the lingdb/mariadb container needs to be running, with the database schema already in place.

Executing sndcomp/ performs the build of the lingdb/sndcomp container. The Dockerfile installs some dependencies and than copies over the sndcomp/{{getSndcomp,entrypoint}.sh,client_secrets.json} to /, where will later be used as the entrypoint. The soundcomparisons submodule will be copied to /sndcomp in the container, and will perform configuration tasks on it. Lastly the client_secrets.json is moved into the /sndcomp directory.

sndcomp/ starts the lingdb/sndcomp container linking it against the latest running version of lingdb/mariadb. The name of the running container has the form of $imageName_$(date -I)_$(pwgen 5 1).

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