2015-12-11 -> 2021-03-05
Tool to format string.
This tool was originally designed to format log messages. In other words, to be able to put any type of variables (typically arrays and exceptions) into a string.
StringFormatter is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.StringFormatter
Using the uni command.
uni import Ling/StringFormatter
Just write your message as usual, and if you need to put a non string variable into your message, use a tag.
use Ling\StringFormatter\StringFormatterTool;
require_once "bigbang.php"; // start the local universe
$e = new \Exception("ooo");
$data = [
"false" => false,
"doom" => 789,
"hash" => $e,
$fruit = "apple";
echo nl2br(StringFormatterTool::format("An exception occurred:\n {e},\n\nthe array was {a},\n\nthe fruit was {fruit}", [
'{e}' => $e,
'{a}' => $data,
'{fruit}' => $fruit,
The above example's output will look like this:
An exception occurred:
exception 'Exception' with message 'ooo' in /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/it/php/projects/universe/www/sandbox-pretest.php:8
Stack trace:
#0 {main},
the array was [
'false' => false,
'doom' => integer(789),
'hash' => object(Exception),
the fruit was apple
By default, the StringFormatterTool strives to make arrays and objects as concise as possible. You can override the default functions by using the setArrayToStringCallable and setOtherToStringCallable methods.
Return a string with tags replaced.
string format ( str:format, array:tags=[] )
The closure takes an array as its sole argument and should return a string.
void setArrayToStringCallable ( closure:f )
The closure takes a mixed value as its sole argument and should return a string. The input mixed value is:
- not an array
- not a string
- not a numeric
- not an object with the __toString method
void setOtherToStringCallable ( closure:f )
1.0.4 -- 2021-05-31
- Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
1.0.3 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.0.2 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
1.0.1 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.0.0 -- 2015-12-11
- initial commit