They say that the universe is a big mess, but I've got my little theory about how planets should be organized.
- ArrayToString: Utility to export a php array in various string formats
- ArrayToTable: Create an html table from a php array
- BabyDash: notation to write an array in a language independent manner
- BumbleBee: this planet contains the butineur autoloader and defines the BSR-0 convention
- ConventionGuy: a guy who likes conventions
- Dreamer: that dude thinks he can predict the future
- Observer: the oldest blogger of the universe I know of
- TheAnarchist: blog from a random php dev
- TheBar: that's my crew
- TheScientist: the author of the famous bigbang script and the portable autoloader technique
- CommandLineManiac: Tools for command line scripts written in php
- QuickPdo: contains basic methods to interact with a mysql database via pdo
- BullSheet: generate fake data to populate your database
- ArrayToString: Utility to export a php array in various string formats
- MysqlTabular: Generate a mysql table with the "console" format
- ReflectionRepresentation: Class to help with representation of \Reflection elements
- VariableToString: Utility to write any php variable to a string representation
- Linker: Tool to help manage application symlinks
- SuspiciousException: This is an interface for the suspicious exception paradigm
- CopyDir: Utility to copy a dir recursively
- DirScanner: Utility to scan a directory recursively and do something on every entry
- MikeMagicTools: set of various tools
- UniqueNameGenerator: Tool to generate unique names
- ArrayToTable: Create an html table from a php array
- MysqlTabular: Generate a mysql table with the "console" format
- ReflectionRepresentation: Class to help with representation of \Reflection elements
- StringTool: Tool to format string
- ThumbnailTools: Tool for manipulating thumbnails
- Ffmpeg: A ffmpeg wrapper for php
- ApplicationLog: Lightweight object to quickly send a message to a log file
- QuickLog: Lightweight object to quickly send a message to a log file
- Bat: multi-purpose library of tools
- Bate: multi-purpose library of tools, extension of Bat
- MikeMagicTools: set of various tools
- TokenFun: Tools for playing with php tokens
- BabyDash: notation to write an array in a language independent manner
- IndentedLines: convert lists in indentedLines format to php arrays
- NotationFan: contains an implementation of the id filter notation
- Ornella: notation for replacing {tags} with a customized value
- Tiphaine: Tool for converting a string to a mixed value, using tiphaine notation
- RssUtil: RssUtil contains utilities related to rss
- SitemapBuilderBox: Utilities to create basic sitemaps
- SitemapSlicer: Generate a sitemap index and its related sitemaps using data from your database
- Escaper: A tool helping with string escaping
- Quoter: Utilities to manipulate quotes
- StringTool: Tool to format string
- Tiphaine: Tool for converting a string to a mixed value, using tiphaine notation
- WrappedString: Low level utilities to work with wrapped strings
- Beauty: An implementation of the beauty part of the beauty'n'beast unit testing pattern
- PhpBeast: This is a php implementation of the Beast component of the Beauty n Beast pattern
- TokenFun: Tools for playing with php tokens
- AssetLoader: Load assets (js/css) in your html page
- Colis: an input form control connected to a library of user items
- GetFileSize: Php service to get the size of the file
- HtmlTemplate: A simple template system to work with jquery
- Meredith: Php plugin for implementing a crud strategy based on the jquery datatables plugin
- PhpTemplate: Simple php template system
- Tim: Protocol (and tools) to help with communication between a client and a server
- Uploader: Helps implementing a server side service to handle file uploads
- UploaderHandler: A tool to help implementing an upload server (with or without chunking)
- UrlFriendlyListHelper: Utility to handle pagination, sort and search in your html lists
- YouTubeUtils: Tools to manipulate Youtube Apis
- MySimpleXmlElement: Yet another implementation of php's SimpleXmlElement class
- JQuery: Some compressed Jquery libraries
- Pea: Php like functions in js
- JCookie: A javascript library to handle cookies
- jVideoPlayer: A javascript library to help building a video player
- Colis: an input form control connected to a library of user items
- fullcalendar-php-services: Php implementation of fullcalendar basic interactions
- Here: Helper to represent events on an horizontal timeline
- HtmlTemplate: A simple template system to work with jquery
- InstantLog: A quick log tool for your php apps
- JGoodies: Some functions for jQuery/javascript
- JqueryUrlWithDropZone: A jquery based snippet to create a form control consisting of an input text and a dropzone
- Lys: Another infinite scroll jquery plugin
- Meredith: Php plugin for implementing a crud strategy based on the jquery datatables plugin
- SelectChain: A simple javascript object to handle a select chain
- videojs-ad-markers: Plugin for videojs which provides basic functionality to implement an advertising system
- videojs-swapping-playlist: Plugin for videojs which provides playlist with no latency in between videos
- Zoli: Zolipop is a modal dialog
- JsCheatSheet: Some js code that I use more often than not
- Server notes: Some personal notes about vps