This program was forked from the original by Xipiter The code here has been updated to fix the 'Resource busy' error - no need to rmmod the ftdi_sio kernel module now!
- Install Libusb:
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
on linux. OSX can skip this step. - Install pyusb python libusb bindings:
sudo pip install pyusb
- Run Shikra programming utility:
sudo ./
Root access is needed to be able to Read and Write to the Shikra USB Device.
The Shikra programming utility allows users to enable the Shikra LED under different configurations. These methods are called set_led_*
Warning: This may not work with older Shikra devices.
- Run utility:
sudo ./
- Find attached Shikra device with
- Set LED configuration with
- Write config to Shikra EEPROM with
[+] Welcome to the SHIKRA programming utility by XIPITER.
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shikra> help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
find_shikra help
Undocumented commands:
EOF exit
shikra> find_shikra
[+] Looking for Shikra...
[+] Shikra device found.
shikra programming> help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
backup help set_led_off set_led_tx zero
dump print_config set_led_on set_led_txrx
factory_reset restore_from_backup set_led_rx write_config
Undocumented commands:
EOF exit
shikra programming>