An NLog target using Microsoft Azure Storage Append Blobs in .Net Core App(1.x ~ 2.x), reference this NLog.AzureAppendBlob.
Install the NLog.AzureAppendBlob.Standard package from NuGet. If you use NLog 4.x or higher, it will automatically load the extension assembly. In further, put the following in your NLog configuration(.Net Core must do):
<add assembly="NLog.AzureAppendBlob.Standard" />
If still not work, you can try to Register manually (choose one) in your application start. e.g. main(), app_start().
1. Target.Register<NLog.AzureAppendBlob.Standard.AzureAppendBlobTarget>("AzureAppendBlob"); //generic
2. ConfigurationItemFactory.Default.Targets.RegisterDefinition("AzureAppendBlob", typeof(NLog.AzureAppendBlob.Standard.AzureAppendBlobTarget)); //old syntax
The type name of target is AzureAppendBlob
- layout - (layout) Content text to write.
- connectionString - (layout) The connection string of the storage account. Consult the Azure Portal to retrieve this.
- container - (layout) The name of the blob container where logs will be placed. It will be created automatically when it does not exist.
- blobName - (layout) The name of the blob to write to. It will be created automatically when it does not exist(only once, unless you set forceCheck to
). - forceCheck - (bool) Check if the target blob exists for each write. Optional.
<targets async="true">
<target xsi:type="AzureAppendBlob"
layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} - ${message}"
forceCheck= "false" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="Azure"/>
You can see NLog Wiki for more information about configuring NLog.
NLog.AzureAppendBlob.Standard.Test is a console program that is preconfigured to use the AzureAppendBlob
target. To test it, you'll have to create an Azure storage account and a blob account.
If you need other NLog extensions(Target or Layout Renderer) that built by me or prefer all in one like me. You can visit this.