- Lindsey McKenna
- James Brunhs *Paula Caudilla
- What percentage of deaths by region are drug/alcohol related?
- What percentage of drug deaths are opiods? Illicit drugs? Alcohol?
- What is the correlation between average household income and drug mortality?
- What is the correlation between homeless population and drug mortality?
- Is there a correlation between drug-related convictions and deaths?
Census Population - https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/datasets/2010-2016/state/asrh/ Drug Overdose Data - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/drug-overdose-data.htm Point in Time Estimates of Homelessness - https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/5783/2018-ahar-part-1-pit-estimates-of-homelessness-in-the-us/ Total Annual Drug Arrests - https://www.drugwarfacts.org/node/234#
- Define states by Region to bin later
- Locate alcohol mortality data, insert into drug data
- Munge, truncate, etc data to be sucinct as possible, focusing on 2017
- Build dataframes (pivot?) with focuses on each question
- Locate national crime data, bin by definded region, isolate drug related convictions
Higher rates of homelessness and lower average household incomes have a direct impact on substance use
- Compare Drug Related Mortality to Household Income
- Compare Drug Related Mortality to Homelessness
- Compare Drug Related Mortality to Drug Arrests
- Household Income per Region
- Drug Related Deaths per Region
- Homelessness per Region
- Drug Arrests per Region
- Named Drugs (Illicit, Opiods, Alcohol) Death Counts Region 1
- Named Drugs (Illicit, Opiods, Alcohol) Death Counts Region 2
- Named Drugs (Illicit, Opiods, Alcohol) Death Counts Region 3
- Named Drugs (Illicit, Opiods, Alcohol) Death Counts Region 4