Hexagonal Microservice for handling the user related activities.
Start the cassandra docker container by docker-compose up
Once the DB container is started,configure the DB with adequate keyspace and tables.
- List the docker containers using
docker ps -a
- Identify the Cassandra container and execute
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
- Start the cql mode by typing
- Create the productKeyspace using command
CREATE KEYSPACE productkeyspace WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }
- Start using the keyspace for further DDL and DML operations by using command
use productkeyspace
- Create table DBUser
create table DBUser(userId int,email text PRIMARY KEY,password text)
Build the application using
mvn clean install
Run the application inside the module where Application class is located using
mvn spring-boot:run