Functions usePositiveOffset
, useSticky
, useSpeed
and useTrigger
are custom hook that I wrote to make it easier to create common parallax effect such as sticky headers.
Convert a negative offset MotionValue
, that comes with contentOffsetX
and contentOffsetY
props of Scroll
, to a positive one.
// ==> 1. import it
import { usePositiveOffset } from "./useParallax"
function App() {
// ==> 2. call usePositiveOffset in a function component
const positiveOffset = usePositiveOffset(offset)
Returns a MotionValue
which can be used to make an item sticky when the Scroll
is scrolled into specific ranges.
// ==> 1. import it
import { useSticky } from "./useParallax"
function App() {
// ==> 2. call useSticky to create a new MotionValue. The first parameter MUST be a positive offset.
const titleOffset = useSticky(positiveOffset, [200, 400], [500, 700], [900, 1200])
return (
<Scroll contentOffsetY={offset}>
// ==> 3. use titleOffset as a prop
<Frame y={titleOffset}>Title</Frame>
In the code above, the title will be sticky when the list is scrolled into three ranges. When the list is scrolled outside of these ranges, the title will scroll with the rest of list normally.
Returns a MotionValue
which can be used to make an item move at a different speed when the Scroll
is scrolled into specified ranges.
// ==> 1. import it
import { useSpeed } from "./useParallax"
function App() {
// ==> 2. call useSpeed to create a new MotionValue.
// The first parameter MUST be a positive offset.
// The following parameters are range-speed pairs.
const titleOffset = useSpeed(positiveOffset,
[0, 200 ], 1, // speed > 0: the item moves faster than the scroll speed
[200, 400], 0, // speed = 0: the item scrolls at the same speed as other items
[500, 700], -0.5, // -1 < speed < 0: the item moves slower than scroll speed
[900, 1200], -1, // speed = -1: the item is sticky
[1200, 1500], -2 // speed < -1: the item moves in the opposite direction than the scrolling
return (
<Scroll contentOffsetY={offset}>
// ==> 3. use titleOffset as a prop
<Frame y={titleOffset}>Title</Frame>
Trigger something, e.g. an animation, when scrolling into the specified range
// ==> 1. import it
import { useTrigger } from "./useParallax"
function App() {
// ==> 2. call useTrigger to setup the trigger
positiveOffset, // The first parameter MUST be a positive offset.
[200, 300], // Trigger range
// This function will be called only once per scroll direction.
// direction > 0: scrolling up/left (normal scroll)
// direction < 0: scrolling down/right
function(direction) {
if (direction > 0) anim.start({ rotate: 180 })
else anim.start({ rotate: 0 })
In ranges, the following special values are supported:
: Viewport height, e.g.'100vh'
means 100% of viewport heightvw
: Viewport height, e.g.'50vw'
means 50% of viewport height
const titleOffset = useSticky(positiveOffset, [0, '50vh'], ['60vh', 2000])
A hook that converts a range with special values into pixels.
const opacity = useTransform(useSpecialValueRange(['10vh', '50vh']), [0, 1])