minetest mod walking_light
forked from 0.6 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2621&hilit=walking+light
If not noted elsewhere: Code: WTFPL, textures: CC BY-SA
Some textures taken from 3d_armor mod these files are directly from the 3d_armor mod: textures/walking_light_helmet_diamond.png textures/walking_light_helmet_diamond_preview.png parts of the following files came from 3d_armor's "3d_armor_inv_helmet_diamond.png": textures/walking_light_inv_helmet_diamond.png textures/walking_light_inv_helmet_diamond.xcf
License Textures: 2013 Ryan Jones - CC-BY-SA
see 3d_armor mod here